This week I'll talk about a popular sport in New Zealand. In New Zealand horse is a familiar animal to people who live there. For New Zealanders, riding a horse is not a special occasion. At first children start horseback riding with a pony, and as they get better and older, they can practice with bigger horses. Amateurs often sell and buy horses at popular prices, which differs from Japan. In Japan buying a horse is a big business and the owner must be rich to own a horse. For New Zealanders, going on a picnic with their horses are everyday experience. People who own horses mostly has a horse car and they'll often go hunting in winter, shows in the summer. 
Polo, which is considered as a noble sport is commonly played in New Zealand. Polo is played by the common people, not by nobleman.The best season for playing polo is in the summer. Members get on a horse and tries to lead the ball into the opponent's goal. Each match(which is called chukkas)lasts for 7minutes, and in a polo game 6chukkas are played. Each person can take 4 horses to a game, and is essential to take at least 2 horses. In Japan it is even difficult to own a horse, and there are only three official registered members. As a result they are not able to establish a polo team, so they mainly join polo games held in Hong-Kong.

Polo, which is considered as a noble sport is commonly played in New Zealand. Polo is played by the common people, not by nobleman.The best season for playing polo is in the summer. Members get on a horse and tries to lead the ball into the opponent's goal. Each match(which is called chukkas)lasts for 7minutes, and in a polo game 6chukkas are played. Each person can take 4 horses to a game, and is essential to take at least 2 horses. In Japan it is even difficult to own a horse, and there are only three official registered members. As a result they are not able to establish a polo team, so they mainly join polo games held in Hong-Kong.
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