Hi. What's up? While surfing on the internet I found some interesting blogs, so for this week I'll introduce some more of them!
No.1Trac of cat ...This blog was full of useful information, and pictures were really good. The article about the wine was really interesting. The reason? is just because I love wine, especially white one :-) YUMYUM!
No.2Sharks In My Mouth ... I chose this because the writer also seems to like watching movies , and the articles were enriched with movie information."The Rocky Horror Picture Show" ?? Hmm, interesting!! I'm sure I found something to do this weekend!!
No.3Upturn★! .... I think these blogs makes me relaxed. Cute pics, and nice articles and atmosphere.
I think people who goes to unversities are gonna have a bigX2 holiday, please take care and have a nice holiday♪
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